• contact@omahapopexpo.com
  • Omaha, Nebraska

Code of Conduct

Omaha Pop Expo strives to create a safe, inclusive space. We ask all attendees, staff, guests, performers, and contractors to abide by the same rules.

Safety is paramount. Real firearms, ammunition, and any weapon or toy capable of firing a real projectile, including airsoft and BB guns, are prohibited. Per Oak View Mall rules, any prop which resembles a real weapon, such as a sword or gun, is prohibited. Any real weapon of any kind, including but not limited to guns, knives, tasers, and brass knuckles, are prohibited. Arrows with sharp tips or metallic tips of any kind are prohibited. Props which do not resemble real-world weapons, such as lightsabers, are generally permitted, but all final decisions are made in accordance with Oak View Mall policy. If a prop is not permitted, it must be removed from the mall immediately. Omaha Pop Expo does not confiscate or take possession of attendee property, and we cannot hold prohibited items for you.

Rough play and fighting are expressly prohibited. Roller skates, heelies, skateboards, hoverboards, and all other wheeled conveyances are prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to bona fide mobility aids.

Hate speech of any kind is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the use of slurs and the display of hate symbols. Omaha Pop Expo is organized, staffed, and attended by people representing numerous ethnicities, cultures, and identities. We respect women, BIPOC, and the LGBTQIA+ community.

Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment, stalking, and non-consensual photography will not be tolerated. Crowd shots are generally permitted, but please ask consent before photographing individuals. Many cosplayers are happy to have their photos taken. Please know that you are always allowed to say no. If someone declines a photo please accept their answer gracefully - do not try to argue or change their mind.

Cosplay is not consent. Never touch another person without their clear, enthusiastic consent.

Cosplay of all kinds is welcome; clothing must cover enough of the body so as to satisfy all relevant state and local laws pertaining to public decency. In short, anything you could wear to a public beach is welcome at Omaha Pop Expo. Footwear is required per Oak View Mall rules.

Drug use and underage drinking are prohibited at Omaha Pop Expo. Underage drinking will result not only in ejection from the convention, but may result in a ban from Oak View Mall, at the discretion of mall management. There is no alcohol service at Oak View Mall, and possession of open alcohol containers is unlawful.

Vandalism and theft will not be tolerated. Damage to mall or tenant property drives up costs and harms the community. The vast majority of vendors and artists are small businesses, some are hobbyists, and what may seem like a small thing to you may do great harm both emotionally and financially. Please respect the hard work and artistry of the fine folks who are the heart of our convention.

Devices which play music, such as bluetooth speakers, are not permitted. If you wish to play music, please keep it confined to earbuds or headphones.

Omaha Pop Expo Safety staff and Oak View Mall Security work closely together to create a safe environment. We want everyone to have a safe, fun weekend, and we never wish to remove someone from the convention. However, if someone is ruining that safe, fun weekend for others, we reserve the right to eject any person from the convention space, without refund. Oak View Mall Security also retains the right to eject any person who disrupts the safe operation of the mall.