• contact@omahapopexpo.com
  • Omaha, Nebraska

Enjoy VIP Access!

Showcase your support for Omaha's newest anime and pop culture convention, and enjoy some great VIP benefits!

VIPs enjoy privileges that make the convention even more fun, and strong sales will allow us to keep improving the show each time!

Quantities are limited, see the embedded ticket widget for a current count. Please note that the counts are updated whenever tickets are added to a cart; if your desired ticket type appears to be sold out but is not marked as such on this page, please try again in 10-15 minutes.

Please note that Gold VIP packages include lifetime VIP Access. A very limited quantity are available, and the price will be higher at each subsequent convention. Lifetime VIP is a limited-time program meant to offer a great long-term value to our supporters, and help us manage the costs of a new large-scale event. Eventually, this program will be discontinued; Lifetime VIP will be honored so long as our convention exists.

**Admission to Omaha Pop Expo is FREE
VIP access is completely optional!**

VIP - Bronze Level



  • Benefits

    -VIP badge

    -Access to celebrity VIP lines*

    -22oz soda mug provided by The Garbled Owl, includes unlimited soda refills all weekend ($20 value) - F&B policies still being negotiated with venue, if soda fountain is not possible, will be replaced with another item of similar value

    -VIP Loot Bag**

VIP - Silver Level



  • Benefits

    -VIP badge

    -Access to celebrity VIP lines*

    -22oz soda mug provided by The Garbled Owl, includes unlimited soda refills all weekend ($20 value) - F&B policies still being negotiated with venue, if soda fountain is not possible, will be replaced with another item of similar value

    -VIP Loot Bag**

    -Guaranteed seating in celebrity panels (must arrive ten minutes before panel begins - VIPs are pre-seated, then general admission begins)

Founder - Gold Level



  • Benefits

    -VIP badge

    -Access to celebrity VIP lines*

    -22oz soda mug provided by The Garbled Owl, includes unlimited soda refills all weekend ($20 value) - F&B policies still being negotiated with venue, if soda fountain is not possible, will be replaced with another item of similar value

    -VIP Loot Bag**

    -Guaranteed seating in celebrity panels (must arrive ten minutes before panel begins - VIPs are pre-seated, then general admission begins)

    -LIFETIME admission. So long as Omaha Pop Expo continues to operate, you will always be entitled to a VIP badge, with all of the at-con privileges of that year's VIP program. This does not include any physical merchandise included with the VIP program.***

*VIP lines are not a line-skipping benefit. We use the “zippering” method, alternating between the general admission and VIP lines. This ensures that VIP attendees have access to shorter lines, while ensuring general admission attendees are still able to meet our guests.
**VIP Loot Bag is a branded drawstring bag; contents depend on Vendor and Sponsor participation. Select vendors and sponsors may include items, coupons, or flyers.

***Lifetime admission membership may be revoked if a member violates the Code of Conduct and is ejected and/or banned from Omaha Pop Expo, the Omaha Potter Faire, or any other event organized wholly or in part by the Omaha Nerd Society or Nerd Empowerment Society, at the sole discretion of convention leadership. In over ten years of operation only two people have been ejected from our events; this is highly unlikely to happen, but this disclaimer is necessary to prevent a lifetime admission membership from becoming a license to violate our code of conduct.