• contact@omahapopexpo.com
  • Omaha, Nebraska

Become A Sponsor

Omaha Pop Expo relies on local and national partners to create a fun, free event for the local community. Read below to learn more about sponsoring our event. This page may not load correctly on mobile due to the use of columns; please view on desktop for best results.

Each sponsorship package is valid for one convention date; if you are interested in sponsoring two or more of our shows, please let us know!

Please email contact@omahapopexpo.com for all sponsorship inquiries.





Company logo will be included on front page of website as well as Sponsor page. Company will be tagged on Facebook event page. If physical flyers are produced, Sponsors will be listed on back. Sponsor may be tagged and/or mentioned in additional places, such as social media posts or event listings.


Exclusive Sponsor

All benefits of Sponsor listed above, with genre exclusivity. This guarantees we will not accept another sponsor of the same type; e.g., coffee shop, tabletop gaming store, video game shop, etc. If another potential sponsor has a degree of overlap with your business, Omaha Pop Expo will consult with you before accepting their sponsorship.


Title Sponsor

“Omaha Pop Expo” becomes “[Company] Presents Omaha Pop Expo”. This language will be present on our website, event page cover photo, etc. Your company will be frequently tagged in social media posts. Includes all VIP Program Sponsor benefits. Other benefits to be negotiated based on sponsor requirements. Not available if VIP Program Sponsor has been secured.


VIP Program Sponsor

Sponsor the VIP program. Company name/logo will be present on all VIP badges, and on notes attached to VIP tote bags. VIP sponsor may also include one piece of advertising material in VIP bags. Not available if Title Sponsor has been secured.



Celebrity Sponsor

Sponsor one celebrity guest. Roughly covers the costs of flight, hotel, and per diem. Amount may vary per guest. Sponsor will be mentioned and tagged whenever the celebrity guest is mentioned in official posts or email communications. You may sponsor a guest who has already been invited, or request the invitation of an additional guest. Guest invitations must be approved by OPE leadership. Requested guests may not be available; if we are unable to secure a sponsored celebrity, sponsorship will be refunded in full.


Cosplay Sponsor

Sponsor the cosplay contest. Sponsorship covers most of the cost of prizes and production. Contest is Saturday of event. Company will be tagged and/or linked in all social media posts relating to cosplay contest; also listed on signup forms, etc. Sponsor will be thanked by MC during cosplay contest.


Custom Sponsorship

Are you interested in sponsoring Omaha Pop Expo, but have something else in mind? Our sponsorship program is flexible, and we will be happy to design a sponsorship package to meet your needs.
